Bits of #avventoalessi 2015: Bonollo tasting evening
Bits of #avventoalessi 2015: Bonollo tasting evening
When: December, 4th, 15.00 - 19.00; Price: free; Where: at Alessi, of course! Bonollo Grappa "Of", Amaro "Of", Fior di "Of", dragées ... #panettone! A very special "grappa", tonic liquor, chocolate treats grappa - flavoured. Tasting, 10% discount and a Panettone slie waiting for you! #avventoalessiSO15, #avventoalessi, #tastingalessi: the perfect Christmas in three moves Below, all the #avventoalessi events. Mind that#tastingalessi tasting events need booking: BOOK NOW sending us an email or booking via a social network: Facebook, Google Plus. To know more about #avventoalessi 2015 visit Facebook or The Pinterest board.